Saturday, September 10, 2011

Last Semester of School

I'm 2 weeks into my final semester at UMBC. I haven't worked on my tetris implementation since my last post unfortunately. Lately I've been focusing on school: projects, studying and such and doing a fair bit of gaming.

My current game playing can be found at where i show my current progression into my large backlog of unplayed/unfinished titles.

I've also gotten addicted back into older Pokemon games, currently playing through Sapphire again.

I am currently enrolled in Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence at UMBC. My current gfx project has me creating a scene of a plate of cookies. I'll post the result when I'm finished.

(click for full size)

And here it is. I'm mostly satisfied, but I was pressed for time with my other assignments due at the same time. Thanks go out to the Raising Ganon blog for the great lon lon milk label. This image was generated using the open source Pixie Renderman. For my next assignment, I have to create a simple ray tracer that only needs to handle spheres. For extra credit we can also accept polygons.

Edit: My submission was one of the ones selected to show the class! Small victory, but victory nonetheless. Now back to Project 2: Ray Tracer from scratch.